"Unprecedented Times"

This is going to be a more personal blog post, than usual. I typically stay behind the scenes and share stories and pictures about our lovely couples and the events we host - stick to business and the love that we help promote and applaud.

With all that is going on in the world, I wanted to personally reach out.

I am sending big love out to everyone. 

No one has been left untouched by this global pandemic. 

My heart goes out to those on the front line, who are still working among the masses to keep the rest of us safe and well. 

I am thankful to those who are practicing social distancing and honouring our Government’s pleas to flatten the curve. This is honestly our biggest job right now - #stayhome.

We can all share stories about how life has changed in a matter of weeks -- the food we’re eating, how we’re conducting business, the way we’re shopping, balancing family/work life, communicating with others, virtually “visiting” family & friends, planning for the future, etc. etc.

Everyone has been forced to find a new normal… and how long this ‘normal’ is going to last, is the question on everyone’s minds.

When the future is in question, it’s easy to tailspin.

We’re (my family) doing our best over here to live day by day. Definitely not a strength of mine --- I’m Type A through and through --- planning is my job, and my passion.

I don’t plan on getting all philosophical and mushy (as I don’t have the clout to do so), but I thought I would share how I’m personally and professionally trying to approach these unprecedented times.

I’m allowing myself to feel sad, scared, fearful, frustrated, bored, overwhelmed, angry and concerned. I feel all of these daily, and I’m sure most people do.

I am recognizing these feelings, honouring these feelings, and trying not to dwell on them. For when we dwell, the negative swells, and this just isn’t good for anybody.

I’m also allowing myself to feel happy, content, appreciative, thankful, compassionate, excited, grateful, lucky, and encouraged. 

Happy… that spring is here, the weather is warming, and it’s just generally a change of season that brings smiles to people’s faces.

Content… with more family time, fewer “to dos” and scheduled extra curriculars. 

Appreciative… of everyone who is working to keep our country afloat, and people safe.

Thankful… that we live in an area with a yard, outdoor space, and safe play areas for our kids (and us!). 

Compassionate… towards the whole of us. Everyone is in a different situation, but everyone is facing the same looming “undetermined” future. Stay strong.

Excited… that this is bringing a new outlook on work/play balance, adventure, creativity and exploration.

Grateful… for technology that allows us to stay in touch and SEE our loved ones, and to continue to work from home (when the time permits), during this isolating time.

Lucky… that everyone in our immediate circle has, to this point, remained healthy and physically untouched by this virus.

Encouraged…  to see the love, creativity, human kindness, and support that neighbours, towns, strangers, and alike are offering up and spreading during this tough time.

Good will come of this.

Good will come of this.

Good will come of this.

As Winston Churchill stated: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” 

From me to you - Stay strong. Stay safe.

See you on the other side!


P&P (Bryn)

#covid19 #staystrong #staysafe #unprecendentedtimes

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