Eloping Is The New Black

Elope /əˈlōp/ verb; run away secretly in order to get married

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There is a growing trend in the number of couples veering away from the "big white wedding" and everything that goes along with it. The reasons are countless: costs, planning pressures, family expectations, centre-of-attention phobia, endless decisions, etc. etc.

We believe, there is no written rule about how or when to get married.

Some couples don't even get engaged before planning their elopement. Where for some, it's not until they get engaged and questions start flying to and fro about their plans, that have them thinking eloping might be right route. 

Although it's likely family & friend's harmless intention of showing interest and support, it can sometimes feel like they are putting you through an interrogation process. As soon as engagements are made public, opinions, thoughts and suggestions start flowing!

There is something so pleasing about the thought of running away with your loved one and tying the knot. Rebel with a cause... right? 

We (the Primp & Pop team) are the first ones to admit that the decision to elope isn't one to be made lightly, BUT once you've put a check mark in that box, you won't look back - Best. Decision. Ever.

It's all about you, your love, your promise to one another, and your future together.

We'll be blogging over the next little while about the trend of eloping, what to consider, and fun ideas around your BIG day.



Surprise Weddings | Proposals | Elopements | Pop-Up Weddings