Wedding Vows: Your Own Version


We adore when our couples decide to write their own vows. In our minds, it makes them extra special, extra personal, and extra romantic.

Don't fret if you're not exactly Shakespeare and haven't a clue where to start. In the beginning, a slightly overwhelmed feeling and thoughts of why you didn’t chose that standard set of vows that your officiant provides might overcome you. BUT, trust us, put in some dedicated time, and the words will come freely… eventually. After all, this is the love of your life!

Need some inspiration?

  1. Cards! Look back at some anniversary cards, make-up/’forgive me’ cards, and the “just because cards” that you’ve given one another over the days/months/years you’ve been together. There’s bound to be some mushy stuff in there.

  2. Songs!  Is there an artist that you and your partner love listening to? A song that is overplayed on your Spotify account? Songwriters are lyrical genius’ and really know how to word craft all things love and all feelings surrounding love & relationships.

  3. Internet! This is one powerful tool, and likely the place people gravitate the most when looking for ideas… on, or about anything, really. You can get caught in a rabbit hole pretty quickly, but by using direct search terms, “google” can be your best friend and an amazing resource.

  4. Your partner! Chat with each other. Communication is one of the keys to a healthy and prosperous relationship anyway, right? Chat, collaborate and write the vows together. This can be really fun “homework” done over a glass (bottle) of ____ (insert drink of choice here). Your final vows will represent of your life, relationship, and future you wish for as a couple.

  5. Poems/Quotes! There are boundless love quotes and poems out there. Again, likely a google search party worthy of some time.

Happy writing!

XoXo P&P

Cover photo pulled from Etsy - Paperpunched

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