Love Actually @ Limberlost Forest | Muskoka, ON

Bill connected with us at the beginning of November, about eloping in December. The date could be flexible, but they really just wanted it to be before Christmas, so they could wake up together on Christmas morning as Husband and Wife. Dynamite. SO silly cute, and of course our response was something like “YES, how can we help”.

As we got to know Bill & Sarah a little bit more, their story, and how they came to be, we knew this was going to be an extra special one. For starters, having the Groom reach out for the initial planning and touch point, was unique in itself - not the norm - but a pleasant turn of events. 

When we learned that Bill believed he beat cancer (twice) in order to meet Sarah and spend his life with her, our heart strings were pulled. Knowing (through some sneaky investigative work) that Sarah’s favourite movie was Love Actually… we started scheming.

We ask Bill if we could help him plan a little surprise for Sarah. He, without hesitation, said “Yes”, and the rest fell into place quite easily. Love Actually v 2019 in Muskoka was a go!

Bill sent us a few tidbits about their story for the cue cards, and we worked with our fabulous photographer to plot the perfect timing. The logical answer was to suggest a first look prior to the ceremony, so that we could get some images of Bill and Sarah seeing one another for the first time. Tricky, in the sense that they were getting ready in the same cabin, but they were very open to being locked in separate bedrooms! Hahaha…

We had Bill stand outside the front door (so the setting was wintery and lovely… and also mirrored Juliet & Peter in Love Actually)... Carlyn prepped Sarah for the “first look”, the door opened, the music started, and WELL, we’ll just leave you with these photos:

First look magic.



Pop-up Weddings | Micro Weddings | Elopements | Surprise Weddings | Engagements